Saturday, 21 October 2017

Evaluation of group

Our target audience was the whole of society and also aimed slightly more at people from 11-18 years old and their parents so they can realise the struggles he disabled go through and try and help them. The “brand” was for the charity of Scope. 

I worked with Molly Beaver, Dan Harding and Niamh, assigned specific jobs for each person so my job was the story board and quite a lot of the editing with setting up the greenscreen. Molly done the original storyboard with Niamh and Molly helped film and edit. It took dan sometime to get settled into the group but once settled he had some helpful ideas involved and helped upload the advert. Then Niamh helped choose the song and sort out timings to see Mr Johnson but wasn’t in a lot and didn’t do much out of lessons. 

We planned on a storyboard.  

When planning and researching we looked for existing adverts and too the best bits from each ones and then looked for words that actually had word that meant and supported our message like the song we chosen the chorus is praise you as in we are praising the people for helping the disabled and also for the disable kids getting through their daily struggles. 

Other groups said it was quite moving and helped them understand the message we was trying to portray through it and said that it flowed well and the music fitted with the message and wth the editing. 

I feel that we have learnt compromise and teamwork and editing and also green screen and time management. 

Try not set such a big task for the group but still take riskesbas they do pay off. 


The overall outcome portrayed our message very clearly with the music summariesing how people can be more aware and how that we are proud of what the community has done to except the disabled into society but still is work to be done to understand the struggles most go through. We could have improved the greenscreen by having not creases and crinkles making it look more professional but for a first time attempt it looks good in my opinion. I enjoyed working with the cast of the advert and feel as if we have completed our task to a fairly high standard with room for improvement.

Thursday, 12 October 2017


This is my first advert that i have made with my group we recreated the old fruitella advert

Monday, 9 October 2017

Stephen Neale

Stephen Neale

Image result for Steve neale
Stephen Neale is a British analytical philosopher and a media theorist and he has written about meaning, interpretation, communication, information on general philosophy. He has the theory of repetition with genre as if someone In a film someone for example in a horror film they repeat spooky noises and dark scenes. they can do this for every different genre.

Assement 1 news language